The only time death can truly be senseless is when nothing is learned or taken from it but grief. Death is a lesson in strength and character.
I'm the cliché Gen-Y-er - Over scheduled, self absorbed, and trying to figure out my path in life.
The only time death can truly be senseless is when nothing is learned or taken from it but grief. Death is a lesson in strength and character.
What Do You Mean the Next Stop Is Hell?
Here is a list of things that make me laugh. Feel free to add your own to it or comment on mine. Hell will be more fun with company.
1. People falling. OK, this one makes most people laugh, but I didn't want to scare you away too quickly.
2. People in my office who look like Kenny Rogers and are not male.
3. Ugly babies. This one is extra funny because the parents almost never know. So they excitedly introduce me to their kid, but in my head all I hear, is "This is our new pride and joy....SLOTH."
4. Joirds (joined words).
5. Porn. Although this is a 50/50 cuz sometimes I'm just impressed.
6. The word salami and especially the plural of it.
7. The Bloggess
8. Angelo the Cat. He's so terrifying and odd. And every grown man who as even encountered him won't walk into my house alone.
9. Listening to fat middle aged men talk about how hot their female avatars are on their computer games. Oh, at work.
10. Owning up to the fact that I watch Glee now
11. Watching people from other States watch 2 jersey people converse. They look scared from all of the hand gestures and loud talking.
12. THIS and the friends who tweet about it.
13. Creating lists that end on a random number.
At least “self absorbed” is still true?
Men accused of wrestling python outside McDonald's
The Crazy 13: A Pre-Aruba Tale
Side bar: I totally make a vow to jot down the funny things that are sure to occur while we are away and blog about them on my return
Every one of these chicks has touched my life in an amazing way and helped shape who I am today. So much of my confidence, happiness, and sense of humor are based on the times we’ve shared and the knowledge that they’ll always be in my corner when I need them.
Caught (Unfortunately) on Tape
I’m not that badass, Gmail.
Gmail "gets" me. |
I can't think about that now though - I gotta to go look up some quality throwing knives to get through airport security for our
(no, I won't)
(I might, if it's good)
Dear God - I'm sorry?
My Ten Things
1. You are my very best friend. I want nothing more in life for you then to be happy and independent. You have the strength for both.
2. You were the first of a small group of my friends I consider a “forever friend”. I’m sorry for pushing you away in college and thankful everyday that you learned to see a little of my side and forgive me for my flaws. One of my favorite things about us is that we don’t need to talk often to know the other is still there if ever we need it. I know I’m lucky to have you and your support in everything I do.
3. I’ve told you more than I’ve told anyone else in this world, yet I still don’t feel like I’ve said enough.
4. I’m worried about you. I want to look you in the eye and tell you to slow down and think about your choices. I haven’t said it yet because I can’t find the words that will make you listen, but I know I will soon.
5. I forgave you when I was 11- before I even understood your choice- because I loved you. Your actions forever changed me. They made me too protective of those I love.
6. I hope someday to have exactly what you have. You show me everyday that love is real and solid and give me hope for my future.
7. You drive me up a wall, but only because I let you.
8. I’m terrified every day that I’ll lose you the same way I lost another.
9. I resent the fact that you are a better person than me. I struggle to understand why you love me some days, but I’m thankful you do - because you make me a better person too.
10. Thank you for loving me as your own when you didn’t have to, when I wouldn’t let you.
I declare a change is needed!!!!!
How to start a wine club
My wine club came from my failed attempt to join a book club. I never went to a single meeting, because I never read the book. After 3 missed meetings, they stopped including me.
The rules are simple:
1. Don't talk about what happens at wine club
2. Create a face book page - if you're nerdy enough to start a wine club, you're nerdy enough to follow this rule
3. The host picks the topic and supplies "sobering" apps - topic's can range from type or region to funniest label
4. The guests bring the wine or get the fuck out. That second part is more of an "unsaid" rule
5. Everyone takes turns talking about their wine while those around them get sloshed on it - this also usually means we end up shouting over the speaker to talk to each other about the wine. It's cool. Embrace the chaos.
6. The person closest to sober takes notes and posts to the facebook page - our notes have gone a bit...downhill. Check out our facebook page to see.
If I could change one thing about my HBIC Wine Club it would simply to be that the president/founder should get a crown and scepter. Hindsight truly is 20/20.
Is it tacky to go buy your own though? As *the* HBIC can I just create a 7th rule forcing the girls to band together and buy me queenly gifts? Probably. But it seems a little late to enforce such a rule.
So, I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH - get your tiara early and think out your rules ahead of time. No one likes an unorganized HBIC.
Good luck with your club and be sure to make me an honorary member!
Jaime Mac
Don't Argue With a Weird Person. You'll Never Win.
Jaime-47; Nick-0.
Discrimination on a young adult.
Part genius, part bad ass, and just a dash of ego.
Why I Will Never Be a Stepford Wife.
This morning I woke up to Nick complaining that the socks I went out and LOVINGLY purchased for him were too big. After a brief pause, he then had the nerve to say “Oh well, I’m sure you’ll shrink them when you do laundry”.
Until next time people! -Jaime Mac
Random Weekend Recap
Continued the night with a dance party in my living room from 2-4:30 a.m. with some really cool people.
Tried to give my dog away after he ate a pair of 6” burlesques heels I had out for the dance party. Surprisingly, there were no takers.
Life Lesson: Don't drink and try on shoes.
Got bored and decided making and canning jam would be a perfect time killer. So far made 24 jars of jam. I actually ran out of jars, and already bought the fruit for another 24 jars. I’m taking bets on whether 8lbs of fruit is destined for a slow, rotting death in my fridge or if I’ll actually remember to go buy more jars.
I also decided on a name for my Jam business if I ever started one:
An open letter to Tank.
Your Sketched Out But Ever Loving Momma
Jaime Mac
THIS JUST IN: Living in NJ may cause heart attacks.
Makes me wonder what I sounded like to them? Stabby and aggressive most likely – which is actually pretty awesome. Although that disproves where I’m going with this post, so disregard how bad ass I am for a second.
No wonder I drink 57 cups of coffee a day. No wonder I always feel like I’m late to my next stop. No wonder why I’m so freaking anxious all the time.
When I read back through the list of things I do, I can’t help but notice “down time” is not on there. Maybe the right idea is to kick a couple items off my to-do list and schedule some me time. Clear my head and re-learn the art of doing nothing.
Maybe with all of this extra time I can take a defensive driving course or learn how to relax with a hobby like bonsai gardening…
Shoe Bulimia Kills Kittens
This is why shoe bulimia is so unsettling to me. That’s right, shoe-bulimia.
It’s your standard splurge and purge reaction. I have a friend with this disease. To be clear, I don’t mean “Friend” in the way where everyone thinks I'm talking about myself accept ME because I'm in such crazy denial. No. I'm talking about a *real* friend, but for anonymity purposes we'll simply call her Shaimee Craybrook.
Shaimee will wander around a store buying up gorgeous shoes left and right. Within 10 minutes of her purchase she'll be weighed down by a guilt so heavy, its the equivalent of having eaten 3 ice cream sundaes. This is where she begins talking about why she must return them.
Common lines heard from a shoe bulimic are "I don't have anything to wear them with" or "I already have 2 other pairs like it" and even "they looked better in the store".
To Shaimee [and all shoe bulimics out there], purging these shoes will help her sleep better at night and not have to explain to her hubby why the house bills had to go unpaid. All excuses! And along the way her stories and rationale begin to make her the victim of a rushed purchase.
But shoes are the TRUE victims to this disease. They are the cute, but homeless kitten of the shopping world. Do you adopt pets and return them??? No. Because that's about on par with being a kitten murderer.
No one likes kitten murderers. This is why I had my closet designed to house 75 pairs of shoes. And guess what else, it's FULL. I buy up all the sexy shoes I see with no remorse or second thought.
Because I'm generous to a fault.
It's a heavy burden to carry, but *someone* needs to think of others before themselves.
The moral of my story is to stop murdering kittens.
Food is totally asking for it if you ask me.
Is it creepy if you can relate to Glenn Close’s character from Fatal Attraction?
I think about food a lot. What can I say? I have a crush on food. To be fair, it’s hard *not* to think about food because it’s everywhere - at home, on every street corner, at every social function. It’s practically begging to be stalked. Food it totally asking for it if you ask me.
This is why dieting is so difficult. My downfall to dieting is that it *requires* me to think about food even more. When we get hung up watching carbs or trying to eat 57 small meals a day, thinking about food can turn into obsession terrifyingly fast. We become Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction intimidating anything delicious in the house. “I will not be IGNORED. Ice cream.”
I really don’t have an answer to this diet-conundrum. The best I can come up with is to keep your brain busy maybe with some hobbies.
Plus, if those hobbies involve burning calories its killing two birds with one stone. AND if those hobbies involve killing a bird... it’s killing THREE birds with one stone. That seems like a VERY efficient use of your time to me.
Regardless, today I am going to do my best to not obsess about food. I’ve got my own, busy life to think about. I don’t even care what food does.
What's that? You heard food was with someone else? Well I'm just going to take a quick ride by food’s house and see if that's true….
Showers – You’re doing it wrong.
No, this post has to do with baby showers and wedding showers. Don’t run boys! This post will give you some serious insight into girl-world. (I’m probably lying)
I guess back in the day there may have been more of a point to these *stick-a-lavender-scented-candle-in-my-eye-to-get-out-of-sitting-through-another-four-hours-of-present-opening* events. But let’s face it, people get married later and have two-income households. No one needs 187 gifts in one day.
I dread my own wedding shower. Not because I don’t want party with friends and family, but because I know how much I dread these things. When did I become the inflicter of this pain - on my loved ones no less?
But what about those who are always the guest, and never the inflicter of pain? Don’t THEY have a right to impose this pain on their loved ones?
SO NOW IT'S YOUR TURN. Go register for all that crap you have always wanted and throw yourself an un-shower. A shower for just being you. A shower for being a strong, single, wonderful woman.
Why not? I promise to attend and celebrate where YOU are in YOUR life.
And hell, I’ll even bring a gift. I’ve been wondering what to do with this creepy porcelain basket that could serve no other purpose than to hold stale, *chewy* hard candy. ;)
PS: This is dedicated to my bestie bird for being an inspiration to me in more ways than I could ever list.
The good, the bad, the Jaime.
Anyways, this first post is to give you enough background on myself to hopefully make you WANT to read about me, without revealing too much to make make you WANT to turn me into the police or anything - yet. OK, here goes nothing:
I'm planning a wedding into a nutty Italian family. I have a million stories that will make you laugh, cry, and never accept an invitation to an Italians house on Christmas eve. All of which I do promise to share at some point.
I'm also an Email and CRM Marketing Manager for a fortune 500 company within the travel industry and have lots of great knowledge on the topics that they actually pay for me to know. I'm challenged daily to stay at the head of my industry in both maintaining a strong foundation and testing fun, new enhancements. I'll be happy to drop some tips now and again. Or just give a shout out if you have a specific question.
Lastly my "fun" side (and by fun I totally mean random and crazy). I started a wine club called the HBIC Wine Club. That's Head Bitch in Charge for those not in the know. It's pretty much awesome because I get the title of *THE* HBIC and have an excuse to drink to access with all of my favorite people. To counter-act all my boozing ways, I also captain a flag football team and love to try randomly violent workouts like Cardio MMA and SLAM!
Finally, here is a little insight into my personality. For better or worse...