

Yesterday God took a healthy baby boy weeks before he was to be born.  So many words come to mind: surreal, devastating, and heartbreaking.  But the word that resounds with me when I’m at my angriest for my family’s loss is senseless.

God chose the senseless act to take a life before it could even begin.  Before we could say hello to him, before we could hear him laugh for the first time, before we could swaddle him, and spoil him - but not before we could love him. 

I sit here, miles away from a grieving family, and I can’t help but be amazed at how affected we all are for a little man we haven’t yet had the chance to meet.  Doesn’t that almost sound senseless?

Life is a miracle that unites us all.  And maybe death is too.

The only time death can truly be senseless is when nothing is learned or taken from it but grief.   Death is a lesson in strength and character.

It’s a lesson in love.